EVI Info

Emerald Valley Intergroup (EVI)

Emerald Valley Intergroup (EVI) is an A.A. service office that carries out functions common to
the A.A. groups in Districts 6, 19, 20 and part of 34, as part of Oregon Area 58. EVI is staffed
by trusted servants and is funded entirely by contributions from A.A. groups and individual

EVI has an appointed Steering Committee made up of the EVI Chair, EVI Co-Chair, Treasurer,
Vice Treasurer, Secretary, Bookkeeper and 4 Members at Large. The Steering Committee
meets on the 1st Monday of the month at the EVI Office to review the financials from the prior
month, to discuss pertinent A.A. topics and to set the agenda for the EVI Business Meeting.

The Financial Advisory Board (FAB) consists of the EVI Chair, EVI Co-Chair, Treasurer, Vice
Treasurer and the Bookkeeper. The FAB creates the proposed budget, establishes the prudent
reserve and addresses financial issues as they arise.

The EVI Body consists of the Steering Committee, the Chairs of various committees and A.A. group representatives from within the EVI service area. The EVI Body meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at the EVI Office to review the financials from the prior month, to give and receive committee updates and to address any pertinent A.A. topics.